About Me

My photo
I'm a 22 year old college kid, who is going to be spending summer '11 in Abu Dhabi, UAE in an internship. I'm also planning a wedding in November, and graduating college in December with a bachelors degree in History and a Minor in Arabic Studies. I have no clue what I want to do with my life as of right now. Maybe grad school one day... who knows. I do know that I have the most amazing and supportive family, fiance, and friends ever! and I am SO thankful for them!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

So much for getting better about posting

Well... a lot has happened since the last post.  I finally graduated (WHOOP!)

I'm all moved to Dallas and working now.  I thought that I'd have more time to do the things I wanted now that I'm done with school... FALSE

Between working and trying to sleep, I have less time to do anything that I want to do.

HOWEVER, I really need to start working out again.  I've had a lot of people tell me "oh, you're tiny you don't need to work out" which is insane. Just because I'm not huge yet (yet being the operative word) does not mean that I'm healthy.

In order to get healthier and in the hopes of losing some weight/toning up.  I'm going to try and start blogging daily about 1)what i'm eating and 2) working out.  

Tomorrow I will start Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (again, I only made it through 2 days last time).

I'm hoping that blogging about it will help keep me more accountable (and motivate me a little more)

Nick and I have also decided that we will make 2-3 of our meals per week follow the "Paleo" diet.  As we adapt to it a little more, we will increase the number of meals that are Paleo per week. 

Anyway that's my random, absolutely makes no sense, update... hopefully I will keep up with the posts and with the dieting and exercising.

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year, New Adventures

I've been wanting to write/update for forever, but have not been able to find the time.  Luckily for me today, I have a bit of time and a lot I hope to be able to write about.  I have no idea who/if anyone reads this, and since it's been so long since the last post I'll be surprised if anyone does still read. haha.

1) I have a lot of people ask me what it's like to be married, as in what has changed, etc.  The reality is that very little has changed. We now can live together with no stigma attached to it, our level of commitment has not changed. Maybe it's because we have both been ready to just be married that nothing feels like it really changed.  Sorry to burst your bubble if you think that marriage suddenly changes everything, it really doesn't as long as you are prepared! :D

2) I'm asked at least once a week either a) am I pregnant (the answer is NO!) or b) when do we plan on having kids.  Some people are just joking about it, but most don't get being married and not immediately having children.  Nick and I don't know when, or if, we will even decide to have kids.  It will most definitely be a while.

3) While we have agreed no kids for a while, we did recently get another puppy!  Her name is Dakota and she is a sweet little doll. Bet you can't guess what breed she is!

4) I am SO NOT READY for school this next semester.  9 hours of classes, paired with work, and traveling between Dallas and CS on the weekends. I am just ready for it to be May already. I am really excited about this semester too though, I will finally be graduating (WHOOP!) and hopefully finding a job that will allow me to travel (I'd LOVE to be able to travel back and forth between the Middle East). If not, I may look into going for a Masters degree in Middle Eastern Studies or in History (probably Military History specifically).

5) I have seriously been missing the UAE lately. I REALLY want to go back (even if it's just for a vacation!)

6) It's taken me forever (ok, maybe not forever, but I'm definitely a few days late) to decide on a new years resolution.  This year I'm making one and sticking to it.  I'm going to start eating healthier and working out again.  I had lost so much weight over the summer because I was eating less/better and working out, I need that routine again.

7)Another goal is to get back into dance. I miss it, and it's awesome exercise and fun at the same time.  But this will probably have to wait until I graduate (unfortunately)

Anyway.... this was a random and longwinded update.

Oh crap... I forgot the holidays and moving.

Well, first off, moving in the month of December was a very stupid idea on our part. We are STILL not unpacked and we've been in the apartment for a month. Ugh.  However, it has been really nice to have a place of our own and not to have to travel all the time.  Christmas was insane, but great. and we kept new years simple by just chilling at the house.

annnd that's all. for now.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

30 days...

Until the wedding.

In that time i have two showers to attend, a marriage license to get, and help get everything finalized & paid.

On top of my stuff I have to do for Arabic Club. On top of the things I have to do for class.... see 20 page research paper from hell. haha

wish me luck!  It's getting insane.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In my Senior Seminar class....

We've been discussing education. Absolutely not related to what our class IS about, but still an interesting topic that I care about.

Class today really got me thinking. WTF is wrong with us (Americans) that we put so LITTLE value on education? I mean really... teachers teach for a test ( the majority, there are some who do care). That is all they do. So long as the students pass the test, they don't give two sh*ts about what else the student gets from the class.

People always ask what I plan on doing with my History degree... let's get this straight... I have 0 plans of going into education below the college level. Why you ask? Because I refuse to teach for a test. REFUSE. I think we are dumbing ourselves down. It's pathetic. I'll never, ever, ever teach in a public school... it would be a waste of my time and the students.

I have a lot more to say on that topic... but most of it isn't probably fit for the internet, and most won't find it interesting anyway.

All I can say is that I am seriously worried about the future of America. We have essentially doomed ourselves to be a nation of uneducated and lazy individuals.

Anyway... enough of a rant for today... back to working on my Senior paper :D

**OK... so I need to make an addition to what I said earlier.

It is not just some teachers that are the problem. the root of the problem stems from the government mandating tests, and equating doing well with money. Which means all school districts force teachers to teach to the tests.

The next problem is that there has been little public outcry about this issue. So essentially, parents lack of interest in DOING something about the education system going to sh*t is a big problem.  Until we, as a nation, decide that we are doing our future a disservice by allowing this to continue there will be 0 chance of improvement.

Our public education system is in desperate need of some help...

Monday, September 19, 2011

47 days left....

Until the wedding. Holy shiiiiit. Sorry. Just had to get that out there. It's insane that it is this close.

No, I'm not crazy stressed out about the wedding (whatever is going to happen, will be)... however if I get another "you're getting married BEFORE you graduate college?!?!" paired with a weird/dirty look, I'm going to scream. No, I didn't plan on getting married 6 months before I graduate. I planned on getting married a month before. Unfortunately not everything works out the way we plan it... So I will be graduating in May, and YES I am still getting married in November.

No, I haven't lost my mind. Yes, Nick and I do know what we are doing. We know that it's just how things are going to be for a little while. I know people who have dealt with much more adverse conditions than we will be, so I don't see it as that big of a deal. We'll adjust.

I am crazy-jam-packed with school, Arabic Club, and just trying to have some semblance of a life. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Speaking of school. time for me to get back to studying!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Finally... An Update

I can't even remember the last time I logged into this.

Life has been crazy busy since I've gotten back to the states, and it's only getting crazier.

The Wedding is less than 2 months away, I am in my next to last semester at A&M, Arabic Club is up and running (full tilt I might add).

Life is hectic, and I've been meaning to update, but I've got to run.

I'll try to post more later!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

4 hours until my flight takes off

It is unreal how fast the past 3 months have gone.  I can't believe that my time here in Abu Dhabi is up. I feel like there is so much more I could & should have done.

I'm really going to miss it here, and going back to school is really going to suck after this. I have met some really awesome people, and some really crappy people. I have experienced a whole new way of life. I am going to miss a lot of things about being over here.

Don't get me wrong, I am really excited to get home and see everyone! I just am having mixed feelings about leaving and not knowing if I am ever coming back...

I'm also really nervous about these flights, which is unusual, because I usually don't have a problem flying. 

Anyway. Time to stop moping around and double check to make sure i don't leave anything behind!  I am so looking forward to seeing everyone! :D

Love y'all! And I will post/email/text/FB when I make it home!