About Me

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I'm a 22 year old college kid, who is going to be spending summer '11 in Abu Dhabi, UAE in an internship. I'm also planning a wedding in November, and graduating college in December with a bachelors degree in History and a Minor in Arabic Studies. I have no clue what I want to do with my life as of right now. Maybe grad school one day... who knows. I do know that I have the most amazing and supportive family, fiance, and friends ever! and I am SO thankful for them!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Long time, no blog!

Life on base is pretty, normal, I guess you'd say.  I've already got a routine going and that is really helping me to finally adjust to the time difference.

I'm really looking forward to this next week, because I will be helping to train/show my boss what it is I do with the system we work with and I get to make a tutorial video/flow chart/manual for them!

I've been working out the past week (go me!) and I've lost somewhere around 7-8 pounds since I've been in country! It could be the food though... haha

Hopefully I'll have a better update later this week!


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