About Me

My photo
I'm a 22 year old college kid, who is going to be spending summer '11 in Abu Dhabi, UAE in an internship. I'm also planning a wedding in November, and graduating college in December with a bachelors degree in History and a Minor in Arabic Studies. I have no clue what I want to do with my life as of right now. Maybe grad school one day... who knows. I do know that I have the most amazing and supportive family, fiance, and friends ever! and I am SO thankful for them!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

30 days...

Until the wedding.

In that time i have two showers to attend, a marriage license to get, and help get everything finalized & paid.

On top of my stuff I have to do for Arabic Club. On top of the things I have to do for class.... see 20 page research paper from hell. haha

wish me luck!  It's getting insane.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In my Senior Seminar class....

We've been discussing education. Absolutely not related to what our class IS about, but still an interesting topic that I care about.

Class today really got me thinking. WTF is wrong with us (Americans) that we put so LITTLE value on education? I mean really... teachers teach for a test ( the majority, there are some who do care). That is all they do. So long as the students pass the test, they don't give two sh*ts about what else the student gets from the class.

People always ask what I plan on doing with my History degree... let's get this straight... I have 0 plans of going into education below the college level. Why you ask? Because I refuse to teach for a test. REFUSE. I think we are dumbing ourselves down. It's pathetic. I'll never, ever, ever teach in a public school... it would be a waste of my time and the students.

I have a lot more to say on that topic... but most of it isn't probably fit for the internet, and most won't find it interesting anyway.

All I can say is that I am seriously worried about the future of America. We have essentially doomed ourselves to be a nation of uneducated and lazy individuals.

Anyway... enough of a rant for today... back to working on my Senior paper :D

**OK... so I need to make an addition to what I said earlier.

It is not just some teachers that are the problem. the root of the problem stems from the government mandating tests, and equating doing well with money. Which means all school districts force teachers to teach to the tests.

The next problem is that there has been little public outcry about this issue. So essentially, parents lack of interest in DOING something about the education system going to sh*t is a big problem.  Until we, as a nation, decide that we are doing our future a disservice by allowing this to continue there will be 0 chance of improvement.

Our public education system is in desperate need of some help...

Monday, September 19, 2011

47 days left....

Until the wedding. Holy shiiiiit. Sorry. Just had to get that out there. It's insane that it is this close.

No, I'm not crazy stressed out about the wedding (whatever is going to happen, will be)... however if I get another "you're getting married BEFORE you graduate college?!?!" paired with a weird/dirty look, I'm going to scream. No, I didn't plan on getting married 6 months before I graduate. I planned on getting married a month before. Unfortunately not everything works out the way we plan it... So I will be graduating in May, and YES I am still getting married in November.

No, I haven't lost my mind. Yes, Nick and I do know what we are doing. We know that it's just how things are going to be for a little while. I know people who have dealt with much more adverse conditions than we will be, so I don't see it as that big of a deal. We'll adjust.

I am crazy-jam-packed with school, Arabic Club, and just trying to have some semblance of a life. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Speaking of school. time for me to get back to studying!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Finally... An Update

I can't even remember the last time I logged into this.

Life has been crazy busy since I've gotten back to the states, and it's only getting crazier.

The Wedding is less than 2 months away, I am in my next to last semester at A&M, Arabic Club is up and running (full tilt I might add).

Life is hectic, and I've been meaning to update, but I've got to run.

I'll try to post more later!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

4 hours until my flight takes off

It is unreal how fast the past 3 months have gone.  I can't believe that my time here in Abu Dhabi is up. I feel like there is so much more I could & should have done.

I'm really going to miss it here, and going back to school is really going to suck after this. I have met some really awesome people, and some really crappy people. I have experienced a whole new way of life. I am going to miss a lot of things about being over here.

Don't get me wrong, I am really excited to get home and see everyone! I just am having mixed feelings about leaving and not knowing if I am ever coming back...

I'm also really nervous about these flights, which is unusual, because I usually don't have a problem flying. 

Anyway. Time to stop moping around and double check to make sure i don't leave anything behind!  I am so looking forward to seeing everyone! :D

Love y'all! And I will post/email/text/FB when I make it home!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

9 Days and 13 1/2 hours Left!

(If you're in the US It's 10 days and 11 hours until I'm home!)

So the more I see pictures from this summer, the more I am ready to be home.  I feel like I've missed SO much, and been so out of touch with everyone.  Which I have. And I feel really, really bad about that.

But being 9 hours ahead of Texas makes it really hard to talk to anyone who isn't a night owl, or making myself into a night owl to get a chance to chat.  I'm usually saying Goodnight as everyone is getting up and around, and saying Good morning as everyone is going to bed.

I've really enjoyed my time in the UAE, but I am ready to be home and be with everyone again. for 3 weeks that is, until school re-takes over my life!

Countdowns to important things coming up:
10 days until I fly out
10 days until I'm home
11 days until I see Harry Potter!
16 days until Bridal Portraits with the amazing Matt Hogan
17 days until Nick graduates
22 days until Vegas
and 27/28 days until I am back at CCS!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

12 Days Left!!!

I only have 12 days left here in the UAE, I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. Unfortunately I've been pretty sick for the last few days :(

This weekend was started off by a trip to Dubai (I was feeling ok at this point) and ended with me spending all of Friday & Saturday in bed.

I am really starting to look forward to being at home.

Things I am looking forward to (In no particular order):
1. a real shower
2. bathtubs
3. the ability to straighten my hair again (I don't even remember what my hair looks like straight anymore!)
4. Seeing my family
5. Seeing Nick
6. Seeing my friends!
7. Seeing my AWESOME bosses/coworkers at CCS
8. Swimming with the girls
9. Getting to drink without spending 20 bucks a drink (It ain't cheap here in the UAE! ;) lol)
10. Finishing up wedding plans
11. Sleeping in my own bed
12. seeing my animals
13. being able to actually TALK to people!
14. starting my last semester of undergrad (Hopefully!)

Random list, I know. But hey, what's a girl to do when she's finished all her work but has to sit in the office anyway? haha

If you're bored check out notalwaysright.com for funny customer service related stories.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pictures from Fujairah


I can't believe my time here in the UAE is almost up! I fly out August 5th at 1 am, so I have a little over 2 weeks left! I love it here, but I am ready to go home and eat real food! haha

My job is great, but I do miss CCS a lot, and I'm ready to get back there too!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Well I finally have something to update about!

I went to Fujairah (the emirate, not the town) this weekend with my friend Julie.  It was nice to be off base and to relax (and to use a shower that doesn't feel like a coffin!)

Here is a map of the UAE (I live north of Abu Dhabi and south of Dubai)

We ended up staying in Dibba (which is in the Fujairah Emirate) at the Hotel Jal (Now Radisson Blue, story to follow) which was great the first night and a nightmare the second night.

Just getting to the hotel was an adventure in and of itself. The hotel had changed names the DAY we were arriving, and they had blacked out all the signs that point you to it. We drove for an hour and a half to find the place, and finally had to call.  Only to find out they had no signs/name change and we had passed the place no less than 4 times.

The upside is that the hotel was awesome, and right on the beach with 3-4 pools you could swim in.

Thursday night was mostly just hanging out and taking pictures of the place and eating dinner. We were exhausted from the 4 1/2 hour drive.

Friday we intended to go into Fujairah (the City) to hang out/shop/sight see.  We ended up going to Julie's friend Sara's (pronounced Saarra) house.  Which was really nice, and a lot of fun.  Sara is a local, and her home was beautiful.

After visiting Sara we went back to the hotel and had a few drinks while sitting out near the water. Ultimate relaxation for me!

Then it was swim time and we met some Syrian ex-pats that were really curious about us. lol

When they tried to guess my age they said 14/15, and kept asking if I was lying about my age. haha.  Then they proceeded to tell me how lucky I am and Masha Allah (God has willed it) This man obviously does NOT know my luck! lol

After dinner we realized our AC wasn't working (about 10:30 pm) by 11:30 we had to go to the front to ask to be moved to a different room, because it was WAY too hot to stay in that one. After a ton of trouble and finally getting moved, they comped us a meal and helped us get moved.

Sunday morning was more beach/tanning for me, and we left the hotel to go cross the border into Oman to renew my UAE visa.  That was scarrrrry. UAE is much more welcoming to Americans, the Omani's were not really having it. But, 200 dirham and an hour later we were back in the UAE and on our way back to base!

More pictures will be on my Facebook page! Blogger isn't digging uploading pics right now :(


Friday, June 24, 2011

I know I know...

It's been almost 2 weeks since my last post.

But things have really calmed down since getting on base, and the most exciting thing that has happened at work lately is the A/C going out. Which is just about the worse thing that can happen in the office. LOL.

That means that the last 2 days at work have been pretty much nonexistant. Go in at 8 am, get sent home by 9 because it's already 90 degrees in the office.  So we've been working from our rooms.

I've made several trips into Abu Dhabi lately, and tomorrow I am going to get up early (6) to go fishing with Julie and Kenny.  Then I am going to Dubai with some of the other people to go to Johnny Carinos and visit another mall. There are malls EVERYWHERE here. It's crazy.

I've been trying to workout. but I'm not a big fan. haha

Also, the wedding stuff is coming along. Mainly due to the fact that Mom, Nick, Katie and Tatum have been on top of things for me lately. Which I super appreciate!
*Side note* never plan a wedding from 10,000 miles away. it sucks. and is pretty difficult.

Anyway, I will try to be better about posting!


Sunday, June 12, 2011


Long time, no blog!

Life on base is pretty, normal, I guess you'd say.  I've already got a routine going and that is really helping me to finally adjust to the time difference.

I'm really looking forward to this next week, because I will be helping to train/show my boss what it is I do with the system we work with and I get to make a tutorial video/flow chart/manual for them!

I've been working out the past week (go me!) and I've lost somewhere around 7-8 pounds since I've been in country! It could be the food though... haha

Hopefully I'll have a better update later this week!


Monday, June 6, 2011


So now is the time for some whining. Planning a wedding from 10,000 miles away is not easy, at all.

My schedule is 9 hours ahead of everyone at home, and making contact with anyone through email is a 24 hour process. I send an email at a decent time here, it gets there at 3 am, by the time someone answers I'm already in bed and asleep.

Thank goodness for Katie, Tatum, and Nick who have been outrageously helpful with everything!

Other than that, my first two days of work have been pretty uneventful, other than the system I'm supposed to be working in is down. 

I have met some really nice people around here though.  Saeed is a friend of one of the ladies I work with here, and he has already offered to take help me with my arabic (which is badly needed!).  Everyone is really friendly, which has made being here easier.

Today starts day 1 of working out, so I'm looking forward to that! (gotta get skinny/fit for the wedding! haha)


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dubai Weekend

This past weekend Debbie and I went to Dubai to see the Burj Khalifa and to sit on the beach for awhile.

The Dubai Mall is connected to the Burj, so we stopped by the aquarium in the Mall before heading over to get our tickets for the Burj.

We went up to the observation deck of the Burj Khalifa at around 9:30 pm, so we got a full view of the city at night, which was gorgeous.  
We spent some of Saturday morning on the beach, which was absolutely beautiful and peaceful :D

to see more pictures go to my facebook page and check out my new album "My Summer in the UAE"


Thursday, June 2, 2011


I have officially been in Abu Dhabi for 3 weeks, and we moved on base yesterday. Hallelujah!

So far everything has been great, and I'm glad to finally be able to work, I've been relatively bored lately.

Tomorrow I am going to Dubai, where I will be spending my time on the beach, hopefully going to the Burj Khalifa, shopping, and just having some fun :)

I'll give another update w/ pictures next time!


Sunday, May 29, 2011



The last few days have been relatively uneventful.  I did go to a softball tournament that some of the instructors played in on Friday, and that was a lot of fun.  I've been asked to play several times (they don't know how uncoordinated/dangerous that would be for me, lol).

Saturday we went to Abu Dhabi and the Marina Mall and had lunch, got nails done, and shopped at Carrefour.  Thank god they had some breakfast stuff there, because I've been dying with the breakfast here at the Tulip.

Today was the same-old same-old. No update on when we will be moving on base, which is sad. I'd like to actually get the chance to meet and talk to all of the staff here for more than 5 seconds.

Anyway, I'll update later :)


Thursday, May 26, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted in a few days.  We've been to the base several times, and met everyone who we will be working with.

So far, so good with that.

The reason I haven't posted is because I have been sick the past two days, which has been a real adventure.  In 24 hours, I've consumed less than 200 calories. So right now I'm just trying to stay on top of staying hydrated and resting as much as possible.

I know it isn't much of an update, but thats all that has really happened in the last few days.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I'm starting to lose track of how many days I've been here. Fabulous. lol

Today we FINALLY got to go on base and see Camp Sweihan with our own eyes.  It was much better than I thought it would be.  Our office is small, but at least it's nice and cool inside. I found out what room will be mine, and got to see what I will need for it.  Tomorrow and Wednesday we go again.

We also went back to Ikea again, which was fun. Driving around here has gotten way easier!

I finally had to give in and go across the bridge to Al Rahba again to get food. Dinner at the Tulip was just not cutting it tonight. So a snickers ice cream bar, small bag of lays, and a few skittles later, I'm full enough to be able to sleep tonight!

More tomorrow!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Days 9 & 10

The last two days have been pretty uneventful, I haven't felt great so I've really just hung around in my room and watched movies.

We did venture towards the base and Shahama today, which was ok. I drove back from Shahama and I think I'm really starting to get the hang of driving here.  Drive too fast, cut people off, take turns too quickly, use your horn too much, and thats just your average driver. lol. There are some that are much more intense than that.

We are currently working on plans of when we want to go to Dubai to see the Burj Khalifa and the Emirates Mall.  I also am in desperate need of finding a cheap digital camera, because I'm a genius and didn't bring mine :/

More to come later!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 8 - Dubai, The Ibn Battuta Mall, and Pirates of the Caribbean 4

So yesterday was a very lazy day.

I didn't get out of bed until 1 in the afternoon, had a light lunch, worked out with Ms. Debbie and then got ready to go to Dubai.

We hadn't driven into Dubai yet, so yet again it was another driving adventure.  Although we have discovered I can navigate us pretty well (I have suddenly discovered a good sense of direction).  So the drive in and out of Dubai was really easy.

When we got to the mall we wandered around and then had dinner at Tony Roma's (Hey, I know it's american food but if you had smelled some of the crap the other places were cooking it would have turned your stomach). 

We saw the new Pirates movie in 3D, which was good. I really enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 7 Abu Dhabi and the Marina Mall/3rd Avenue Pub/Bar/Whatever

So, I'm a day late writing this one but that's probably for the best.

Yesterday was a pretty tame day, and we decided to go to Abu Dhabi to the Marina Mall for dinner and possibly a movie.  We ate at this place called Cinammon City (or something similar) and the food was amazing! By far the best food I've had over here by far.

I've also noticed that almost every post includes something about food, which makes me feel like a fatty. lol.  But food is so different here, so it's a big change for me.

The mall was pretty nice, and we even ventured into Carrefour (WalMart is the closest comparison I've got). 

We took a Taxi over to 3rd Avenue Pub (I think that's the name) in one of the hotels, and that was where the entertainment got better.  I've always liked sitting back and just watching people at bars, but over here it is even more entertaining.  The bar we were in was full of a random mish-mash of people, and observing their interactions with each other cracked me up.

I definitely miss everyone at home, and last night definitely solidified that. I had a great time out, but I was definitely thinking about how things would have been if it had been a "normal" night out.

It's around 1:40ish here, and I STILL haven't gotten out of bed.  But this is the first truly lazy day I've let myself have.

I'll try to post more about today later (if we get into anything interesting!)

Thanks and Love Y'all!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 6 - Dubai & The Tulip

I've been getting crap sleep lately. It's sad. Hopefully tonight I will be able to crash early.

Today was mostly just waiting around at the Tulip until Todd and Vince came to get us to go to a softball game in Dubai.  I am reallllly thankful for that, I was going stir crazy here.  There is only so much to do around here.

Although I did manage to get in a decent workout today! Which makes me ridiculously happy.

Otherwise, it's been pretty slow around here

I'm hoping to make plans to go back into Dubai and see a movie at the Ibn Battuta mall, but hopefully I won't have to drive.  I also don't know that I'm ready to drive in the big cities yet :/

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Tulip Inn/Al Rahba Days 4 & 5

Sorry for not updating yesterday, the internet was not cooperating so I gave up and went to bed!

Day 4

Yesterday we just stayed around the Tulip, and didn't really venture out.

Day 5

Today was the most interesting by far, we went to IKEA (the one here is way more awesome than the one in Houston!) and had lunch/did a little shopping.  Then after we got back we took some clothes to the cleaners across the bridge in Al Rahba, and I finally drove! Although it's pretty terrifying to drive here, they drive like maniacs! But we got there and back in one piece, and no close calls so I'd call it a good trip. :)

I finally tried some ice cream, it's definitely different but still really good.

I also had my first experience in washing stuff by hand, since there are some things you cannot take to the place that does your laundry.  That was not so fun.

Today has been, all in all, pretty chill.  Also, over the past couple of days I have gotten the chance to read for fun, which never happens anymore. So that's been nice.

Tomorrow will, hopefully, a little more exciting!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 3 - Hotel & Al Rahba

Today we didn't really do much, mostly just hung out around the hotel until Mr. Mercurio came out and had lunch with us and went over a few things for work.

Later on we headed into Al Rahba, right across the bridge, to look at the grocery stores and see if we'd need to go into Shahama to get food or not.  We will definitely be driving to Shahama to get food, the stores nearby have some food (see below some things I tried) but not enough to be able to skip eating here at the hotel.

Some food that I tried today:

 You may be saying, well that wasn't very adventurous. The chips DO NOT taste the same as in the US, but they are still pretty good.

Teeny Tiny little snickers bar, this was also different but still really good.

Chocolate Milk: definitely not as good as in the U.S. Drinkable, but not even similar to real milk

Capri-Sun:  pretty good, they definitely had a different taste for fruit than I do, but these are still ok.

I think tomorrow I will be driving into Shahama, so wish me luck! People drive like mad-men around here, so I should have exciting stories tomorrow! lol

شكراً لكم و نراكم بكرة


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 2 - Dubai

Today we got to venture into Dubai, since Mr. Mercurio was nice enough to take us there.

We went to the Ibn Battuta Mall and wandered around.

This is ms. Buford and I in front of the Ibn Battuta statue that they have inside the mall.  The people were very friendly, and while I've been warned that a lot of people would probably stare, etc. I've yet to have any problems while I've been in public.  I guess we'll just have to see how things go once I start working full time. 

We also went to another souk in Dubai, which was also pretty neat. I have been shockingly surprised at the fact that the shopkeepers/salesmen are not super pushy (think the complete opposite of Tunisia, Katie).

We drove around the city as well, and got to see the Burj Khalifa (tallest building in the world).  I will definitely be going back to do a tour soon!!

*Random building being built

Today we just got a taste of Dubai, and I definitely plan on going back when I have a little more money $$$$.

So far my experience in the UAE has been fabulous, and I'm really looking forward to the next few months out here.  It will be really difficult to adjust to all the changes, especially being so far away from everyone I love, but I will come out of this stronger and with an experience of a lifetime.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Abu Dhabi -Day 1

We got to the hotel late last night, so I didn't have time to write a whole update.  We got in pretty late to the hotel last night (10:30/11 ish), so most of last night was spent meeting a few of the people who are already here working. 

The flight from Germany to Abu Dhabi was good, but I definitely am not looking forward to having to sit on planes for that long again anytime soon.

So far everyone is really friendly, even the hotel staff.  There is one night staffer who, now that he knows I know some arabic, asks me a question/phrase or teaches me a new phrase everytime I walk by. 

They absolutely do not use MSA here, at all. I've been corrected so many times from things that we are taught in class is the right way to say it, but it's all a learning experience and I'm enjoying it.

Today we went into Shahama to get cell phones and see one of the grocery stores we may be able to buy food from once we get on base.  Right now we are waiting for the phones to get activated, but in the meantime we got to get a driving tour of Abu Dhabi. The city is really nice and there are so many shops, etc. to go look at.

Tomorrow we are probably going to go into Dubai for a few hours.

That's all I've got for now!

Shukran :)  (Thanks!)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Abu Dhabi

Well, we finally got to abu dhabi and got all checked in!  Our hotel is crazzzy nice, and tomorrow we are gonna go get phones! 

I slept like crap on the planes, somewhere around 2 hours of sleep in the past 32 hours. So it's time to crash!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

At the Airport

So it's official... I refuse to ever fly economy again.  Business class is where it's at! lol

Right now I'm sitting in the lounge waiting for to board. I am so incredibly nervous/sad... but I am also really excited.

Mom and Nick dropped me off about an hour ago, and it was really hard not to cry when I had to go through security by myself.  But I did it, and I'm holding up ok.

I'll try to post again when I get to Frankfurt, but who knows if there will be a computer I can use.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last Day With CCS (Until August!)

So at this time next week, I will be on a plane bound for Germany and then on to Dubai.  Which means it is my last day here at CCS until August :(

While I'm really excited to be going to Abu Dhabi, I'm definitely going to miss everyone here!  I've been here 4 years, it's going to be weird to not walk in the doors of the JBC everyday for work and to not see Mrs. Karen, Mrs. Dana, Monica, and everyone in the office.

I don't think it's really hit me yet that I only have a few days left here.  Most of those days are going to be filled with exams, last minute shopping and packing, and trying to see everyone I can before I leave.  I'm not excited about having to say bye to everyone, that's probably going to be the hardest part.

Lastly, I know going to Abu Dhabi is going to be a great adventure.  I am very much looking forward to going, but right now I'd be lying if I said I am not nervous.  It's going to be just like the first day of school all over again, and I'm going to have to adjust to life over there.

I'll try to update again a little closer to time to leave, so for now I'm going to get back to studying and packing for my trip!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Getting Started

So... my first blog post ever. This should be nice and awkward! hah

Well the reason I've created this blog is that over the next several months my life is going to get pretty crazy, and I think it will make for an interesting story/read.

  • I'm leaving for Abu Dhabi (internship) in 15 days, and I'll be there for a full 90 days.
  • Nick graduates in August, and I start my last semester of school.
  • Aggie Football starts in September!
  • Nick and I are getting married in November
  • and I graduate in December
Who knows what will happen after that!

This summer will be a great adventure, and I'm really looking forward to it!